Then, I said:
His ancestors above Adnan is traced up to Al-Khalil, Prophet Ibrahim, but Prophet Muhammad restrained and refused to mention it. Without doubt, according to those who have knowledge of genealogy, Adnan is up to Ismail, who had been slaughtered by his father, Ibrahim.
What a great this genealogy as the jewel of the glittering star. How not, while the ancestors of the most noble lord (Prophet Muhammad Shollallahu'alayhi wasallam) are the chosen men.
What a noble genealogy purified by Allah, the holy God, from the adultery of jahiliyyah .
Zain Al-Iraqi said and narrated it in a beautiful verse
Setelah itu aku berkata:
- He is our lord, Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib.
- Abdul Muthollib had s real name "Syaibatul Hamdi" who was praised for his noble behaviors. He was the son of Hashim, whom had real name "'Amr", son of Abdi Manaf, his real name was "Mughirah", who was noble because of his greatness. He was the son of Qushay.
- Qushay had real name "Mujammi'". He was called as Qushaiy (far away) because he traveled far away to Qudha'ah. Until finally Allah Ta'ala returned him to Haram (sacred Mecca), then God took care of him well. He was the son of Kilab.
- Kilab had name "Hakim", son of Murrah, son of Ka'ab, son of Luayy, son of Gholib, son of Fihr.
- Fihr's original name was "Quraish". It could be said that he was ancestor of all Quraish tribe. As many people think, above him there was Kinanah clan. Fihr is the son of Malik, the son of Nadhr, the son of Kinanah, the son of Khuzaimah, the son of Mudrikah, the son of Ilyas.
- Ilyas was the first who sacrificed a camel to the haram. One day, from his backbone was listened a sound of Muhammad mentioning Allah, the holy God. He was the son of Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma'ad bin Adnan.
His ancestors above Adnan is traced up to Al-Khalil, Prophet Ibrahim, but Prophet Muhammad restrained and refused to mention it. Without doubt, according to those who have knowledge of genealogy, Adnan is up to Ismail, who had been slaughtered by his father, Ibrahim.
What a great this genealogy as the jewel of the glittering star. How not, while the ancestors of the most noble lord (Prophet Muhammad Shollallahu'alayhi wasallam) are the chosen men.
These are the genealogy which is highly believed because of their cleanliness.
Aries stars has assembled its star cluster.
How beautiful is the thread of perfection and splendor
whereas you are the precious one including in.
What a noble genealogy purified by Allah, the holy God, from the adultery of jahiliyyah .
Zain Al-Iraqi said and narrated it in a beautiful verse
God has kept his forefathers (from insulted acts) for respecting Muhammad, to keep his name.
They abandoned the adultery, so the flaw of adultery did not overtake them, from Adam to his fathers.
They are leaders who Muhammad's light (nur) moved in their bright forehead. And his light is very clear on forehead of his grandfather, Abdul Muththalib, and his son, Abdullah.
Nasab Nabi Muhammad SAW |
Dia adalah junjungan kita, Nabi Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muththalib.
- Abdul Muthollib memiliki nama asli Syaibatul Hamdi yang dipuji karena perilaku-perilakunya yang luhur itu . Ia putra Hasyim, yang nama sebenarnya ‘Amr, putra Abdi Manaf, yang nama sebenarnya Mughirah, yang keluhuran itu dicitrakan kepadanya karena kemuliaan nasabnya. Ia merupakan putra Qushay.
- Qushay memiliki nama sebenarnya Mujammi’. Disebut Qushaiy (jauh) karena jauhnya ia berkelana ke negeri Qudha‘ah yang amat jauh. Hingga akhirnya Allah Ta‘ala mengembalikannya ke tanah haram (suci) dan terhormat, lalu Allah menjaganya dengan baik. Ia putra dari Kilab.
- Kilab memiliki nama Hakim, putra Murrah, putra Ka‘ab, putra Luayy, putra Gholib, putra Fihr.
- Fihr bernama asli "Quraisy." Kepadanya lah dinasabkan semua suku Quraisy. Sebagaimana pendapat banyak orang, di atasnya lagi adalah dari Kabilah Kinanah. Fihr adalah putra Malik, putra Nadhr, putra Kinanah, putra Khuzaimah, putra Mudrikah, putra Ilyas.
- Ilyas adalah orang pertama yang mengorbankan unta ke tanah haram (Baitul Haram). Dan di tulang punggungnya, terdengar Nabi SAW menyebut dan memenuhi panggilan Allah Ta‘ala. Dia adalah putra Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma‘ad bin Adnan.
Garis keturunan Nabi Muhammad bagaikan kalung
dengan mutiara terangkai oleh jalur mulia.
Nasab diatas Adnan dirunut naik hingga kepada Al-Khalil, Nabi
Ibrahim, namun Nabi Muhammad menahan dan enggan menyebutnya. Dan tidak diragukan lagi, menurut orang-orang yang memiliki ilmu nasab,
nasab Adnan sampai kepada yakni
Ismail, yang pernah disembelih oleh ayahnya.
Alangkah agungnya nasab itu dari untaian permata yang bintangnya gemerlapan. Bagaimana tidak,
sedangkan perantara (nenek moyang) dari tuan yang paling mulia (Nabi Muhammad Shollallahu’alayhi wasallam) adalah manusia-manusia pilihan.
Itulah nasab yang diyakini ketinggiannya karena kebersihannya.
Bintang Jauza‘ (Aries) telah merangkai bintang-bintangnya.
Alangkah indahnya untaian kesempurnaan dan kemegahan
sedangkan engkau padanya merupakan permata tunggal yang terpelihara.
Betapa mulia keturunan yang disucikan oleh Allah Ta‘ala dari perzinaan Jahiliyyah.Zain Al-Iraqi menuturkan dan meriwayatkannya dalam suatu syair yang indah
Tuhan memelihara nenek moyangnya (dari perbuatan nista) karena memuliakan Muhammad, yaitu untuk menjaga namanya. Mereka meninggalkan perzinaan, maka cacat perzinaan itu tidak menimpa mereka, dari Adam sampai ayah-ibu beliau.
Mereka adalah para pemimpin yang cahaya kenabian berjalan di garis-garis dahi mereka yang cemerlang. Dan jelaslah cahayanya (Nabi Muhammad) di dahi datuknya,Abdul Muththalib, dan anaknya, Abdullah.